On a side note I was at the urologist yesterday and while I stood there wondering if I was even in the right place the receptionist was on the phone with Mr. Vasquez and he was very interested in some Viagara samples. Apparently he had gotten them there before. So if you need some maybe just hit the urologist circuit for freebies and forget about email.
If you and your partner want to liven up the bedroom life, we can help.
Many people use thesweet little pill to do just that, it's actually quite
amazing. For about 1/10th's of standardmarket-price, we can help your
relationship! Head on over to http://myenmzn28y965j6j5d9on.pictilpict4.com/ and take a
look.Have fun, because thats life is all about!
Anyway, ease up with the giant cock emails spammers. I'm not buying any pills from you. Eat a cock. A tiny one maybe but a cock nonetheless.
I like the one about increasing your sperm volume 500%. That can't be good for anyone.
It might be good for people that want a kind of Jackson Pollack-inspired look on the ceiling of their bedroom.
Anyway, I kind of long for the days of Viagra spam -- this german stuff I'm getting now gives me the howling Fourth Reich fantods.
I like now how you'll go blind with Viagra. In college one of my roomates always denied yanking his wanker. We used to hold up numbers saying that he pulls it so much that he's going blind.
My roommate in college was the proudest maturbater I know. He would emerge from his room a little disheveled and announce "I just pleasured myself, have any of you other gentlemen pleasured yourself today?"
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