Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just hangin' around

Dear lady who holds all of her meetings in the hallway outside the men's room on the 6th floor,

a.) I have trouble peeing when I can hear you talking right outside the door. b.) yes I was in there that whole time today. From the time I walked past you and you said hi to me until the time I came out and you said hi to me again I was pooping. I would like to apologize for farting right before I walked out but I can't because your meeting-having-ass deserved it for loitering outside the men's room.

Shop Dungs


Johnny Virgil said...

You should have said, "Sorry about that. Burritos for lunch."

Sarah said...

I'm sorry, but if you can stand outside the ladies' room playing with the change in your pocket, I can certainly stand outside the men's room and conduct meetings .

Mr. Friendly said...

Well, if you can have a meeting outside the men's room, then I can stand outside the cafeteria, watching you eat, and smack my lips.

Lo Lo Lova said...

Dude, she must love the smell of your crap. Why else would they stay there?

karla said...

I'm sorry I keep having those meetings there, I didn't realize it bothered you. Don't you see it's just a ploy to meet men? I stood there that whole time manufacturing that made-up conversation, just waiting for your sexy ass to come out of that restroom. All that effort, and you still didn't ask for my number.

Christ, I'm going to die alone.