Thursday, March 02, 2006

Scent of a Woman

This morning on the radio I heard about

Vulva tm <---not work appropriate

uhhhhh..... I have to say, I like a nice hoohoonanny probably as much as any guy out there but I'm not sure there's a market for this. I mean I might get a bottle just out of curiosity if I can figure out how much 19 euros actually would cost me but it's purely out of curiosity.

I mean how in god's name do they make this stuff? Seriously the contents have to be suspect.


Melanie was here said...

John, I love ya. Willing to try the Vulva. That is outstanding.

Lo Lo Lova said...

i will not click the link since it is "not work appropriate" but the just by the sound of it, i don't think i want to know what it is...

Johnny Virgil said...

Yes, I am over 18 years old and enjoy juicy erotic. Or so the button made me say.

Johnny Virgil said...

And by the way, If the back of your hand smells like Vulva next time I see you, I will buy you lunch.

Melanie was here said...

The back of my hand smells like Vulva, do I get a free lunch?

Johnny Virgil said...

Yes Melanie. Yes you do.

LizzieDaisy said...

I'm always impressed with John's posts, but dang nab it, you commenters are funny as shit. I'll be back momentarily as I want a free lunch too.

Good flick. The airplane monologue made me squirm and close my eyes, but I loved it. Don't tell.

And girl boy... I have a new song. :)

danielle said...

so you wanna smell like va-jay-jay. i'm not surprised.

tfg said...

So do they sell a counterpart for for women. Like Jockstrap or something?

Johnny Virgil said...

Russ, they don't have to sell it. Men, unlike women, will pretty much rub it on anything a woman asks them to.

Johnny Virgil said...

yeah wait -- that wasn't russ. Damned if it didn't sound like something he'd say though.

LizzieDaisy said...

And a video... which is really fricken funny. Really. Go smile. :)

Man you are slow posting...

tfg said...

Men, unlike women, will pretty much rub it on anything a woman asks them to.

This is very true and I've got the weedeater scars to prove it.

LizzieDaisy said...

trg... lmao. unless it's true and then that's just sad. :)

Holy crap John... are you still alive over there?

Found this for you. Why it made me think of you... scary isn't it? Still, perhaps the wife would enjoy borrowing your iPod if you're done peeing your pants over it...

click me