Monday, August 29, 2005

set your TiVo's

Holy crap is today going to be a great day for TiVo owners. Hurricane Katrina is making landfall this morning/afternoon and there will undoubtedly be countless TV douches out in the storm reporting on it. This is going to be one for the ages. I predict at least one of these effing douchebags will be physically thrown by the storm during a live feed. If you capture that with your TiVo..... Internet GOLD! Good luck all.


russ said...

All weather related events are negative to this Tivo owner.

I'll be plopping down in front of the tube to watch something really deep, touching and important like the Being Bobby Brown finale and it'll cut out halfway for some doofus in rolled up shirtsleeves rerunning his computer simulations from the local doppler and repeating information-free platitudes about the minor Ohio effects of national weather that was going on days ago.

I need my Bobby Brown!


car said...

Better someone will catch God coming down on all those sinful filthy hippies riding New Orleans of some of the trash. That would be great TV!

Sarah said...

Yes, Russ, I have already seen urgent reports that Cleveland "might see some heavy rain" so you better get ready for the reckoning.

Johnny Virgil said...

There's a filthy hippie among us.

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Watching the Weather Channel is like sitting on the can and the dump just won't come out. You sit and sit but nothing really happens.

LizzieDaisy said...

I need a TiVo. I really feel like I'm missing out. And I haven't seen a single moment of hurricane anything. Watched my son separate his shoulder on Sunday playing football, spent yesterday at the doc's getting xrays etc of said shoulder, and today blogging about the damn thing. Maybe I'd better find something else to do.

Drowning hippies and weatherpersons huh. K. I'll go watch...

notpc :)

kidding, twas njzpc, close though... think it got some of your jizz in there Johnboy.