Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Listen up bitches

First of all, work is ass.
Second, Blogger is ass. I had words in that last post when I posted it, blogger chose to just post the title. Whatever

Third and this is the real reason for my post. Today I wanted to make a dessert worthy of The Food Network and I'm really lazy but I always have a variety of Little Debbies in the pantry. My wife also loves Ruggles Moose Tracks Ice Cream which I'm not even sure I've ever had before but holy crap it's awesome. Okay, but not as awesome as what I'm about to tell you.

Read all the directions first. Don't try to read while you're making it or it will take too long and suck.

So you get little Debbie Brownies. I have the Cosmic ones ...you're fine ....Little Debbie is smokin too much weed. So you take 1/2 of the brownie (it already has a line to divide it) then you put it in a bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds. I know your microwave is a really good one and right now you're saying "that's way too much in my great microwave. My microwave is 35,000 Watts, his probably isn't that good so I'm only going to put it in for 15 seconds cuz if I do 30 seconds it will catch on fire." Shut up assrider. Just follow the goddamned recipe. 30 seconds. When you take it out it's going to smell really good and it will try to make you eat it right there. Don'tdo it. a.) it's like totally hot as fuck molten fucking lava right now and b.) I just told you not to eat it so follow the recipe already. Goddamn.

Now get out the Ruggles Moose Tracks.
Put 2 Big or 3 Small scoops of it on the molten hot Little Debbie. (I bolded that shit or you'd eff it up)
That's not the first time I've referrred to LD as molten hot by the way. I call her LD. You don't have that kind of relationship with her so you're jealous right now but you have to move on because this baby is almost ready to eat. Yeah I said it, this molten hot Little Debbie is almost ready to eat.

Now you need to drizzle a little Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. I said a little. You're probably one of those Chocolate Syrup Hors that always over does it. I know you. You over-chocolating bastard just do it like I said.

Now if you read all the directions first and then made it, it will be the perfect temperature to consume right after the drizzle my nizzle.

You can thank me after you try it. If you don't like it, punch yourself in the eustachian tube for me because you didn't listen to me.


John said...

I'm sober. I didn't read about your diet until after I posted. You're fine.

Carly said...

holy crap, I think I'm going to be sick

Johnny Virgil said...

holy crap, I think I am going to make one. For breakfast.

Scott said...

you bolded 2 Big and also bolded 3 small. Well nice f'ing work. Because I didn't see the *or*. So I did BOTH. That's right - I ate 5 f'ing scoops of ice cream. Dammit. I'm fat.

Brian said...

i'm reading this while eating my breakfast of plain oatmeal with water and a side of organic granola. ahole

russ said...

John's on the Mother-May-I diet. Take a few steps back to go forward.

Also, here on the World Wide Web, we often use underscores to indicate hyperlinks. I'm still clicking on your damned "bolded" info. You're prolly one of those guys that, when making a handmade sign, puts "quotes" around important words that should be bold or underscored.


Sarah said...

Whoa-jackhole. Nice one, Russ. I will use that now.

danielle said...

hey, 'moose tracks' makes me think of poop. does that involve poop?

Lo Lo Lova said...

My mouth was totally watering until I just read the poop comment. Now I've lost my appetite for the day. But that's really not a bad thing....

Melanie was here said...

I will eat these every day until the day I die and I want one buried with me. Holy effing crap it sounds awesome.

LizzieDaisy said...

Wow, you're an expert chef too. You win a new oven. Bake yourself some hot buns next. Or maybe you already have some. Dunno.

Melanie was here said...

John - I need to send you something via email. Lo Lo and I were dying laughing and we think you would love it too. Interested? I promise it isn't a virus!

John said...

if it's naked pictures of you guys then yes jmanpain@hotmail.com

Melanie was here said...

John - the eagle has landed....that is code for I just sent you the funny thing via email. Enjoy, and let us know what you think.

Melanie was here said...

Not naked pics of us, by the way, but you are right - that would be funny!

Erik Holtan said...

Well, Sarah he must be HIGH, and drunk with the munchies!
Saw your comment on Sarahs sight(Okay seriously!) And I also read to one of the bottoms posts and it says you choke yourself for pleasure? Are you sure you want everyone you are into autoasphyxiation? Have a good Sunday though, and your site is funny!