Well folks, I'm nearing the final sprint of my 12 week Body for Life marathon. Today marks the 71st day of the 84 day program. I've reached a sort of mental fitness/illness where I actually sort of want to or need to exercise everyday. On my "off" day this weekend I biked 22 miles (18 on my new road bike with Iron Mike and 2 more with each of my kids in the seat on the back of my mountain bike) and also ran 2 miles. For the weekend as a whole I biked 30 miles and ran 4.
Here's a progress report for the beginning of week 10 of 12.
Start date January 23rd:
Weight 197 lbs
Pushups 25
Mile 9:40
6 Rep Bench Press 144 lbs
Today April 4th:
Weight 183 lbs
Pushups 41
Mile 7:45
6 Rep Bench Press 188 lbs
When I started I also snored like a chainsaw when I slept. I will double check with my wife but I don't think I snore much at all anymore. I've followed the plan very closely having not missed a single days workout to this point and adhering to the food plan with very few rule infractions usually coming on the morning following an "off day."
While the numbers don't really seem all that impressive, the one that really sticks out for me is the bench. When I started I benched 50lbs
less than my weight for the 6 rep set, currently I bench 5 lbs
more than my weight for the same number of reps. My arms have definitely improved the most from an aesthetic perspective. I still have a pretty good spare tire going but I have gone from wearing a pretty tight size 36 pants to a comfortable if not loose size 34.
The after photos are coming soon. I know everyone wants to see if the manboobs survived their toughest assault to date. I have to say their survival appears imminent at this point.
-Your friend,
Shoddy For Life