Friday, April 15, 2005

Scott's favorite day proves media to be shitstain on society's collective underpants

If you don't read Scott's blog you're probably a halfwitted addle-pate. It's fine though you'll be ok. Calm down. If you do, you know today is one of Scott's Favorite Days. Why? Because the media thinks we give a rat's nuts about some shitpiece that hasn't filed his/her taxes yet. OH MY GOD I WILL PUNCH MY FUCKING TELEVISION!!!!

Here's what I have learned so far this morning thanks to the worthless program called Channel 3 News Today.
  • Betsy Kling hasn't done her taxes yet but she knows that she owes Federal but is getting a refund from the state. That's a first for her and her husband. They are filing for an extension, because forever is not long enough apparently to spend 13 minutes and $39 on Turbotax.
  • Carol Chandler "just did hers to beat the rush"
  • Holly Strano is out because she's on bedrest "working on her 2005 deduction" and making a latch hook rug
  • Mike O'Mara is a total douche. Oh and he did his "late last night to beat the rush as well"
  • "A lot of the people who wait actually owe money." (wow who would have guessed?)
  • At least 4 post offices in the Greater Cleveland Area will cater to your procrastinating ass if you're one of these worthless fucks who not only wait until the last possible day but also the last possible second of that day.

Turns out about 4% of the general population have not filed yet, however 100% of the sample of "media" either filed on April 14th or haven't filed yet. No wonder the news is pure trouser wreckage.


Johnny Virgil said...

Are any of these people doing their own taxes, for real? If I made the kind of cash these guys made, you bet your ass my accountant would have had my taxes done the day after the W2's came out.

John said...

I think these smalltown douches are making chump change.

Scott said...

I am glad I read this before watching TV today. I am on a total media blackout now. If I see these idiots I'll go into a murderous rage

Sarah said...

Betsy Kling is a stupid hor.

Sarah said...

By the way, John, actually even these smalltown douches make really good money. More money than you or I will ever see. It is really annoying.

Johnny Virgil said...

the local "meteorologist" here makes more than 150K. Not bad.

Anonymous said...

I love Carol Chandler.